What size cupola do I need?
Choosing the right size cupola for your roof is just as crucial as choosing a style. To look right, the cupola must be in proper proportion to the size of the roof. Too small and the cupola will have a "bird house" appearance; Too large and it becomes overbearing in comparison with the roof. Fortunately, choosing the perfect size can be as easy as following the simple formula described below.
The method of choosing the right size Copper Cupola for your rooftop is as simple as remembering this old rule of thumb:
"For each linear foot of unbroken ridge line, you should have one inch of cupola width"
However, our experience has lead us to recommend altering this rule to:
"For each foot of unbroken ridge line, you should have 1 1/4 inches of cupola width"

For example: If the ridge line of your building is 25', the recommended cupola width would be 30 to 31". The reason we recommend a slightly larger size is that our many years of producing Copper Cupolas has showed us that this will provide for a more eye appealing and balanced appearance. A Cupola that is a little too small will look much more out of place than one that is a little too large. If you have a steep (greater than 9/12) roof pitch, the need for a slightly larger cupola is even more important.
If you have any questions about these ratios or measurements please don't hesitate to call us and a knowledgeable staff member will be glad to help you select the proper size for your copper cupola.